Spring Time and Things Change

Today, it really felt like spring.  I went outside during lunch time and did not want to return to work. Things at work are really getting chaotic with some of the departments moving, and me being the move coordinator needs to make sure that everyone is organized and ready to move by Friday.  I on the other hand, will remain at the current office until June 20th. as I work closely with production to ensure we have a log for the station to air.  

I also finally took the plunge and started a weigh loss program today.  I am determined to eat healthy and lose some weigh in the process.  Stress is my enemy and a contributing factor to my weigh gain.  I did some research and decided to choose Alli, keep a food journal, and exercise.  The exercise will help me to reduce my stress, just need to remember not to workout in the evenings because I will not be able to fall asleep at night.  I don’t understand how some people want to workout 8 at night because it’s hard to get to sleep after being stimulated, but each their own.  With the food price soaring, it is a great opportunity to brown bag it at work and that means using the number of cookbooks to find recipes.

I think the good thing about losing weight is taking the opportunity to become a better sewer as I will need to learn how to alter my clothes, and sew a lot of knits until I get to my goal.  However, the most important thing is my asthma and sleep apnea will be more in control, or better yet gone completely after losing weight.  Breathing easier is a good thing.  Another goal, I should set for myself is getting 7 hours sleep at night.  I only get 5 to 6 hours worth of sleep, and getting more rest would help reduce my stress as well. That means DVR will have to work overtime because it is getting a little harder for me to stay up nights, but I force myself to stay up to watch.  At this moment, I getting sleepy as I write this blog entry which means, it is time for me to say good night.

2 responses

  1. I wish you much success with your weight loss goals. Please be careful in taking the Alli because it does have side effects. Personally, I have been successful in losing weight by changing the way I eat and exercising. I eat mostly organic foods and I eat more leafy green veggies such as romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce and such. I have started eating more kale, cook with olive oil, and although we mostly ate chicken, I’ve cut back on eating quite so much chicken and eat more fish and plant protein. Eating several times per day in small “meals” and portion control is key.

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